How do you recharge? Yesterday, I went to Target… It was glorious. I got an iced coffee and ran into someone I knew (for like 5 seconds) so I’ll add…
How to know what’s right for you
There I was, eating an entire mini sheet cake, a jar of kimchi and there were weeks where I didn’t even think about coffee. Oh, I must be pregnant again……
A Tomato
Finally, the baby takes his afternoon nap and I lie down for the nap (later than normal) I had promised myself all day. The house is a gazillion degrees but that’s…
San Diegooooo
The past few weeks have been filled with packing, moving, a photo shoot, yada yada yada… I LOVE my blogging community and I’ve missed it here so much!!! We moved…
Told You So
He walked in from the garage carrying the aluminum one I had sent him out for and it looked huge. Like flying saucer huge. He kept saying how ridiculously large the…
My body was at the beach but I was in a cloud, chasing after a little waddling baby in the sand. There was no other choice than to be present…
A Day As A Mother of a One Year Old
If I had known then what I know now I would have taken the little baby away in a stroller for an hour so his parents could get some sleep. We…
Power of Intention
I have a really exciting photography project coming up! You know when you put something out there like, “I’d like to be busier with my work,” and then it happens? …
Grant’s First Birthday
He licked the frosting off my finger and really thought about it for a minute. It was his first real taste of cake. My heart ached…oh to watch him enjoy…
Sponges and Sinks
I got to go to a cool talk given by Jen Kleiner at Soho House in LA a little while ago. She was touching on how to be a…