I’m like 30% crunchy for a Californian but to my family from the East Coast, I’m totally a smoothie drinking, yoga doing, hummus eating hippie. Crunchy alludes to granola, as…
Your New Pregnant Bod
This body is a-changin’. I have some “formal events” (I’ll talk about them later) coming up and I pulled out every dress in my closet that had a whisper of…
Juan Pablo..errr…Conscious Box
Truthfully, I had another post in mind but I was so distracted by Juan Pablo and The Bachelor girls that I took the easy way out and posted about this…
We Ate Everything But The Eyes
I hope you are having a wonderful Martin Luther King Day holiday weekend. Do you have weird food “things.” We obviously do… My dad’s coworkers asked my mother for a…
H54F: Bacon For ME
Happy Friday! How’s life? I’m going back to that life-long resolution of letting go a bit and relaxing. 1. Loving this crazy manicure this week! Notice the outfit I’m wearing…most…
Uber Personal
I’m going to get deep but let’s warm up to it. 1. These are the “marmi” clothes I tried on at TJ Maxx this week with Jen. I ended up…
Years ago I went over to a friend’s house some time in the afternoon on a weekday and she answered the door in sweats. She had recently become a stay-at-home-wife…
$300 Kate Spade Giveaway
I’m doing a giveaway with an awesome group of bloggers, hosted by Carly of Lipgloss and Crayons for a $300 gift card to Kate Spade. Entering below is easy! Kate…
How To Bargain/Haggle And LOVE It
For years I was humiliated as a child, watching as my mother would bargain for things from clothing to hotel rooms. I mimicked my father who would silently stand by,…