· In: Habits, Kids, Motherhood
It can be so easy for a couple months to fly by and there are seasons when you are good with doing the basics (I think infant season) and there are seasons when you can add something as simple as a kids summer schedule checklist to give you structure, purpose and improve habits! A summer of intention!
Sidenote: Summer is always focused on fun, connection and childhood here! We do things like checklists to keep our minds, bodies and spirits healthy!
We do a mix of vacations, down time and camps to keep it fresh. It gets super hot here and it can get menotenous (like anywhere) when the summer isn’t broken up or when we have some fun plans to look forward to!
I don’t know about you but my kids and I do so much better when they have structure and know what I expect of them. We all get along better and there is confidence in action!
The summer is no different so I made them this checklist to keep them focused and to continue as well as improve some habits!
Teaching my kids to start their day with a plan that leads to improving themselves is a huge goal in my parenting. I want them to feel independent and empowered by working through their checklist.
I’m telling you, it’s amazing to watch their baby brother modeling their behavior as well. As I’m typing this, they are all brushing their teeth on their own (even our three year old).
When we first started checklists here, it included things like, “brushing teeth” to get the kids in the habit of doing it. Now that we are solid with that habit, we can stack on new habits like daily exercise and vitamins.
Start with the absolute basics and only do a couple new things at a time. These life habits and skills will be carried on through their adulthood so figure out what matters most to you and build! Is it prayer, cleanliness, getting along with others, self control…
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