What a great weeeeeek!!!! Yesterday, I found out I had some credit on my Gap Card and that there was a 40% sale at Gap for card members. SCORE! I could keep “saving money” but shop as well. You know that girl shopping math. I bought this demin jacket (here’s the pic on Instagram) but after coming home realized it was too big. I think I’ve got prego body dysmorphic or something. I’ll be going back today for an exchange b/c I really love it!
1. I got featured on The Grits Blog’s Little Friday Favorites for The Monthly FEMALE Normal this past week!!!

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!
Elisa says
That smoothie sounds gooood.
haha, “girl shopping math” – I totally know what you mean 😀
Christina Warren says
Thank you! It’s the only math I’m good at…that and calorie/exercise math..right? 😉
Niina, It seems pretty obvious says
Sounds like a great week! Smoothies are just awesome! I especially like smoothies with blueberries. Got to love blueberries! That recipe sounds interesting as well. I hope you’re having a nice Saturday Christina!
Christina Warren says
Hope your Saturday is awesome too!!! I’m going to the popular “hard” prenatal yoga class today…been practicing at home so it should be good! LOVE blueberries in anything!!!
Kelly says
Clothes! Lots of clothes!
Christina Warren says
LOL YES! Why do I never have enough!?
Diana Newman says
love the jacket! I totally went to Old Navy and bought some of their new pixie pants.. I feel like they were meant for me they fit me so well and used my banana republic card and got an additional 10% off 🙂 I love shopping with additional discounts 🙂
Christina Warren says
Thank you!!! OMG LOVING the new Old Navy ads! They have really great deals on maternity stuff and I am looking forward to more non-maternity stuff in a few months!!! Sales must make that gambling area of our brains light up or something, right!?
Jessica (Coco/Mingo) says
Ah! It DOES look like you had a great week!! Ok – yeah the whole being pregnant without knowing you have a baby inside of you is all too weird for me – I cannot wrap my brain around it???? Oh well, there are enough stories I guess, to know that i can happen 🙂 And ohhhh….I miss Trader Joe’s so much! I didn’t know they had almond meal and that GF flour! I need to get those! I pass on TJ’s here in NYC because it’s like, 10x more crowded than Whole Foods (and WF’s still gets sooo crowded!) The line at TJ’s is usually like, wrapping the entire store x2. 🙁 Hope you have a lovely weekend, darling friend!! xo
Christina Warren says
OMG, LA Trader Joes are SO crowded too! I’m still getting used to it. In San Diego, it was a leisurely trip and now I know when to go and how to zoom! I love hearing about life in different places. I need to appreciate my little crowded TJs! It’s never more than 3 deep in the lines! These two products are incredible. Have a great weekend!
Abby says
I need mango in my smoothies ASAP! I can’t wait to see your recipe… I love anything with almonds in it. 🙂 I hope your weekend is just as splendid as your week, my friend. xoxo
Christina Warren says
Seriously, the almond meal is like some kind of magic powder that makes things heartier and tastier. AHHHH MAAAZINNNGGG! Have a great weekend!!!
Thien Do says
When it comes to shopping girl logic trumps all rational logic. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Christina Warren says
Totally. I have so many shopping rules and math, I’ve probably only repeated each one like 2 times in my life. 🙂
Rowena @ rolala loves says
Found credit is always a great excuse to shop yay 🙂 That denim jacket is really cute! Have a splendid weekend Christina!
Rowena @ rolala loves
Christina Warren says
Total jackpot, right? Have a great weekend!!
Pamela Bannon says
Hey Christina! That smoothie looks amazing! Have a great weekend!
Christina Warren says
GIRRRL!!!! I love all smoothies!!!! Take care!!!
Lauren {Fizz & Frosting} says
That smoothie looks SO DELICIOUS right now! Hope you have a great weekend!
Christina Warren says
I want to know what you’re craving!! Have a great weekend!