Now that I live in the same city as my parents, I have lots of opportunities to spend time with them. My mother and I go out to lunch and…
The Summer of 10,000 Frappuccinos or Pay it Forward
Using my new Vitamix today, I was whisked back to the summer of 10,000 frappuccinos. Starbucks has always used these turbo blenders. I worked at the new Starbucks in Potomac,…
Staying Confident in Times of Uncertainty
I remember our cliche-“dude” surf instructor telling my sister and I to always be “cool, calm and collected,” because you have no control over the water, only yourself. Unlike an…
Good Fences make Good Neighbors
I’ve always had a very formal relationship with my parents. It is very respectful, kind and predictable. When I moved to Seattle last year, where they reside, a more familiar…
Do you Announce your Mistakes?
You know when you catch a mistake and then grapple with the idea of whether or not to remedy the situation because it may cause more trouble than good? A…
“Boat Hot”
When those pointy/witch-toed high heeled shoes first came out I thought, “Man, there is no WAY I’m going to fall into that trend.” Insert period soon after where…