Chris and I had an event we dressed up for the other day and luckily, I had something appropriate that fit! This is the nicest “maternity” outfit I own thus far….
Champagne Mustard Dressing
This is almost too ridiculous to make a recipe card for, considering the 2 ingredients but it tastes so incredible that I had to share it. I have this left-over…
How To Transition Into A Maternity Wardrobe
Here’s a little hand holding for transitionioning into a maternity wardrobe or a post-holiday-of -cookie-eating wardrobe. **This article is NOT titled “How to Build a Red Carpet Ready…
Eating More Fat At Home Resolution
So, this could be the pregnant woman talking but I’ve declared a “fat-zone” in my kitchen recently. Normally I cook VERY healthy meals at home and when we get the…
H54F: Kicking Off The New Year!!!!
What a great kick-off to the new year! 1. New Year’s Eve with these beautiful people… Jackie and I are practicing the hip-hand pose that one of the other girls…
Baby Gifts
Are we REALLY having a baby? It’s a pretty crazy idea. Gifts make it real! Our first gift was from our friends, Nancy and Dave. It was this awesome gift…