Has anyone ever asked you to write a recommendation letter for them? I’m sure you have needed one. I want to take away a lot of the mystique, stress and…
Could You Live on a Sailboat?
How do you feel about the idea of living on a sailboat? We plan on moving back to sunny Southern California this fall and have been looking for a new…
Get a Facial Reading
Have you ever had a facial reading? Do you want to know what that mole on your cheek symbolizes? How about the cleft in your chin? How do people view…
Library Nerd Day & Connect with your Roots
How do you feel about libraries? I feel SMARTER when I’m in a library which actually makes me feel very cool. Plus being surrounded by so much inspiration is catchy…
Make a Credit Board
We had a “credit board” on our fridge growing up. This arose from my mom’s insatiable need for “credit,” which I inherited. My dad surprised her with a “credit board.”…
Head Starts
If you’re trying to lose weight and succeed in shedding 3 pounds by first week’s end, that is a lot…
Star Struck
My impression is that a celebrity can often feel like fans want something from them: an autograph, a photo or a hug. As a public figure who benefits from a…
What Sign are you Advertising?
Have you ever wanted say, a job, and you kept listing all the things in your head that you wanted: a big corner office, control of your schedule, lots of…
How Curious are You?
Are you a good listener? Yesterday, my friend and I were talking about how wonderfully lucky we were to have such an effortless relationship. We are so curious about each…