Has the airline ever lost your luggage? We had a crazy experience on this trip to Seattle. Chris’ folding suitcase didn’t show up on the baggage claim carresal. Doh! When…
Shopping Buzz
I got to spend about an hour and a half at the mall with my sister this weekend and it was AWESOME!!! She makes me feel like I’m a pro-stylist….
H54F: San Diego, Seattle, Retirement
1. We went down to San Diego to finally use our season tickets to the Chargers. The night prior, we met up with Stephanie and Isaac (who introduced us) for…
Family Gems Or Pearls Rather
Not those kind of gems. These would be the pearls of wisdom sayings you’ll be passing down to your kiddos some day. We’re in Seattle visiting the fam this week,…
Building Blocks For The Man’s Wardrobe
I’m no style guru, this is just what my husband wears. Chris has some very nice pieces and it is easy to update his staples with some new button…
Being Right AND/OR Being Happy
How many of you have ever experienced couples/relationship/work place therapy or read a couples therapy type of book? When it comes to arguing I think it’s safe for me to…
Will You Still Like Me After Knowing This Stuff?
What a great weekend of friends, fancy meals and football! Karly Kim tagged me for an “11 Random Facts About You,” post. Aye yaye yaye!!! I write about myself through stories…
H54F: CUTE Japanese Store Shopping
What a great week! Did you watch The Sound of Music LIVE last night? It was advertised a gazillion times for weeks so I had to do it the honors…
Holiday Gift Guide
Holiday Gift Guide by happyorelse featuring a sugar jar Here are some gifts I have given and received…or want to receive! 1. Books: The Domino Design book…