Do you get discouraged or quit something because you didn’t see results quickly enough? I’m here to tell you 2 things I’ve been doing this past month feel SO good.
Most people quit anything before they see results. The longer results take, the fewer people there will be at the finish line. Consistency is a discipline that can mess with your mind when you aren’t seeing results “fast enough.”
Let me share my quick win with you first. A month ago, I noticed I was feeling a low blood sugar crash in the mornings so I stopped putting sweetener in my coffee. Within a day or two I felt totally different and I was able to trade in that yummy vanilla syrup in my iced coffee for feeling better all day. This was a relatively quick win.
Also about a month ago, I decided to start exercising. I started doing 30 minute power walks on my treadmill. I used to be in the military and years after that I ran for FUN. After baby 3 and then 2 losses last year, I felt like it was impossible to get my body feeling fit. Well, at least I felt like it would take longer than I had patience for. I was wrong!
It took about a month but I have noticed a huge difference in my fitness and how I feel in my body! Days 1-20 of exercising felt like slow progress but it sped up after that.
Give yourself a pat on the back for showing up for working toward your goal and seek out social proof like this to be encouraged about timelines of what to expect. It can help you hang in there stronger to reach your goal!
Happy goal making!
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