· In: Holiday
Here are some snaps of our Christmas! We knew a freeze was headed in so I made a meal plan for at least a week and stocked up for making all our meals at home. Luckily the weather went as planned, with the freeze (as low as zero degrees F) lasting just a couple of days.
If you are curious why a freeze is a big deal here, it’s because the homes here, in central Texas, are not built for that kind of cold or at least not a prolonged cold period. The pipes are not deep enough and they freeze. It also does funky things to our well etc and luckily that melted within a couple of days is working again! Our cold water pipe in the bedroom shower froze for a day even! Such is life here in Texas and we wouldn’t trade it!
Store bought cinnamon rolls are a Warren family tradition and we kept it going this year. Some years I’ll do a breakfast casserole (recipe here) but I did bacon and eggs instead this year. This bacon/cinnamon roll setup in the photo looks like a blowdryer or something? OMG that bacon is so Venus de Milo. So diva with that little curl!
OMG one of the kids woke me up at 4 am, asking to get started with Christmas. AHHHH! I will remind myself to give the “talk” about when we wake up for Christmas next Christmas Eve. LOL
That hamster, on the table, repeats what you say but in a high pitched hamster voice (if hamsters could talk) and the kids love it. I am happy they love it. I also get to hear tantrums and potty talk twice! LOL
Last year I did all the Christmas things but with a terrible cold. One of my best friends (Hi, P), who’s a mom, says “Moms don’t get sick.” I just love that saying. It’s absolutely true!
Of course a highlight of childhood Thanksgiving memories for me is the one where my Mom was down with the flu and we went to get the last of what they had at Boston Market on Thanksgiving afternoon. Dry and memorable. HA! I joke because I definitely remember the ones where she wore an apron for 3 days straight.
Of course the pink robe was my go-to. I’m wearing 3 layers underneath bc I run COLD! My Mom always tells me, “You don’t have a hot body. You have a cold body.” HA!
That self timer on the tripod: I want to just sit there in my robe and then I force myself to do it. Then I’m holding back happy tears when I see the photo and Chris and I talk about how happy we are that we did it. I then mention and re-mention my happiness to Chris 15 times that day.
I wish the kids wore matching PJs all year round!
A new school-made ornament to love this year! We shake it and have a good time. Nothing like a homemade ornament.
Video games, football, dinosaurs and Beau got a water table. Basically he will make anything into a sensory activity every single day. If I’m not paying attention for a second, there is a pile of beads on the floor or he’s found two cups to transfer water back and forth like a mini scientist. He was thrilled.
Elf was in a cup so he could be carried around! He was found in the fridge on Christmas morning! Elf ideas here.
Our house smells like cookies, casseroles or candy canes this week. Favorite home scents here.
Packing up homemade shower steamers (Bath Bomb/shower steamer recipe here) and cookies for neighbors and friends!
Easy and quick paper bag houses for gifts and cookies! How to here!
I really kept telling myself how grateful I am for everything. These holidays build up and go by so quickly. I hope you had a lovely one.
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