The Tough Mudder is for crazy people who want to run 10-12 miles of steep dirt hills with muddy colossal and electrifying obstacles in between. Fortunately I had a pregnancy note and got to be a spectator for Chris’ very good friend, Rion’s “birthday party.” About 7 weeks ago, Rion informed his good (many out of shape) friends that he would be entering them all in this competition to take place on his birthday. The team has been preparing in many different ways…exercising, you-tube video intimidation emailing and panicking.
Here’s Rion’s wife, Jackie, taking on one of the “Berlin Walls,” one of the near 25 obstacles. Check out those guns!
You could do a million monkey bars or you can swim across the toxic pool.
Rion’s sister, Kori and her husband Don: red carpet photo.
Chris, Rion (bday boy) and James. Do you see that hill behind them?!
Cindi with her husband Fa. They ink your body so the ID withstands the course. You’re gifted a headband, a beer and an energy bar at the finish.
Ah, the spectators: Jessica, Cindi and I. We were moral support for the team…and each other! It was a warm one! All of us had been up since 5:30 a.m. and we left the venue around 6 p.m.
The amazing team!
Would you ever do this?! I kind of wish I had!
Bethany C says
Oh gosh, no way. I have friends who do these and I’m like, I’ll grab a chair at the finish line and sip some lemonade. But it does look awesome, and I give mad props to all who do it!
Christina Warren says
LOl- I was exhausted from just sitting there and drinking the lemonade! 🙂 It’s 5 days later and I think I’ve recovered! 🙂
Jessica (Coco/Mingo) says
As much fun as that looks, you can totally count me…out. Nope. I hate running. lol! But if I had to, then something fun like this or the color run, I’d probably do since running by itself is just so boring! lol! Funny enough, I used to run cross-country in high school. I blame that. 😀
Christina Warren says
Lol Oh, the color run! I’ve seen awesome photos and heard really cool things about that. Wow, I never ran much as a kid-totally impressed that you ran cross country. Then I had to run a ton in the military and I was soooo bad at it…especially compared to the six foot tall guys in training with me! After I got out of the military I started running more and for fun b/c no one was yelling at me anymore! HA!
Em says
I’ve done the Spartan Race which is really similar!! Overall, obstacle course runs just freak me out since they don’t really tell you exactly what to expect haha.
Christina Warren says
Oh you are tough, Em!!! Yes, you are right, they only released the course like the night before. I was even a little stressed about it and I wasn’t even doing it! I thought the hard ones were the walls with no foot holds. You are awesome!!
Rowena @ rolala loves says
This seems like a pretty fun way to celebrate a birthday! I don’t think we have anything like this in NYC. I’m probably not in the type of shape needed to do something like this but I’d be down for it if I could take my time and there was no mud involved. I feel so prissy saying that lol ;p
Rowena @ rolala loves
Christina Warren says
LOL The nice thing was that all the groups that went, really stuck together with the slowest person. I would take many months to prepare for this thing! I think the mud was almost welcome in that scorching dry heat! It was incredible!
Niina, It seems pretty obvious says
What a fun (I think at least haha) thing to do for someone’s birthday! 🙂 I’m not sure if I would want to do something like this! One part of me (a big part to be honest) thinks it seems terrible and a one part thinks it sounds pretty exciting!
Christina Warren says
It was such a great idea. Everyone had such a great bonding experience and I think they were really impressed with what they could accomplish! I was a little envious, I must admit! 😉
Jessica says
My sister works with a group of people who take part in this. And while I think it is seriously impressive that they do complete this I do not think it is anything I could ever do.
Christina Warren says
It is totally a lifestyle! I think of Crossfit and things like that! It was kind of like a military training obstacle crazy course! I think it is totally one of those things you think is impossible but when you get there…you just have to do it! AH! Maybe next year for me? …maybe not lol
Becca Dorr says
Tim’s done a similar one, called the Warrior Dash, before. I don’t know if I could handle all the mud! lol
Christina Warren says
The things that looked most challenging to me were the hills! SO steep. Some people were on hands and knees going up and then sliding on their bottoms coming down! CRAY! I thought they needed more water stations too! It is deserty out there! Maybe someday….maybe someday. 🙂
The Grits says
I have done the Warrior Dash and thought I was going to die. I would absolutely do it again. The tough mudder though – man that race makes my shake in my sneakers. It looks like everyone did pretty well though!
Christina Warren says
Warrior Dash sounds hard! I asked Chris if he would do this again and he said YES! HA! That’s how I felt after a half marathon though, so I kind of get it in my own little non-muddy way. 🙂 You’re awesome!
Krista Williams says
I’ve heard of these events too. But I think they are called savage races here in the sunshine state! It looks like so much fun but I do to think I could handle all the mud. (I’m a little OCD and dirt creeps me out!) Not to mention I would probably die of exhaustion trying to get through all the obstacles! You’d probably find me passed out in a mud puddle somewhere.
Christina Warren says
LOL-SAVAGE race?! That is an excellent name! He’s still got mud coming out of his ears! I can imagine what’s in those mud pits…hmmmm. 😉 I was totally impressed with how well everyone did. I think it IS one of those things you think you’ll pass out on but the energy of the group and everyone out there really propels you! I can say this as I sat in a folding chair and watched. lol