How do you feel about libraries? I feel SMARTER when I’m in a library which actually makes me feel very cool. Plus being surrounded by so much inspiration is catchy to me.
My Seattle FRIEND (singular-I really have one) has recently invited me to tag along on her “library days” where we dream big or flesh out ideas over lunch and then go to a library.
Today we are at Bastyr University’s Library. Rebecca is an alumnus! Here you can get an undergraduate or graduate degree in Natural Health Sciences (think Natur0pathic Doctorate, nutritionists, acupuncturists).
Here’s what Rebecca had from today’s menu from the Bastyr cafeteria (plus some green beans from home). MMMM
I brought last night’s leftovers (brown rice pesto pasta, breaded chicken, roasted tomatoes) and threw them on top of some greens with olive oil:
Here is where we lunched right outside the library in a common area:
Rebecca is working on a bazillion things: Vitamin D research papers, blogging for the Vitamin D council, presentations, grad school and autistic child therapy. I USED to be academic like that so it feels so great to be back in the mix of natural medicine here!
Here is a class being taught outside the window now.
I’m seeing a nice balance of Birkenstocks with long middle hair-parts as well as skinny jeans with heels around here. LOVE IT!!!
School libraries have even a cooler, extra nerdy feel! Lucky me! Plus Rebecca just handed me a study on the Influence of Vitamin D on gene expression!
Is there a way you can make some time to visit a library? If you have kids, do you ever take them? Do you need some quiet, introspective/creative time? In what ways can you connect to a world where you no longer reside full-time but want to visit?
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